Add Site

  • Available Visit Time:It shows current available time remained which is used to assign for site to be added.
  • Time Consumption:How much consumable time it computes as per traffic and time on site.
  • My Site:Software randomly visit subpage of which site needs traffic by default.
  • Daily Traffic:It's set how many traffic it needs for site in one day 24 hours.If time less than 24 hours,it only consumes traffic in remains.
  • Time On My Site:It's independently set time on page of "My Site".
  • Traffic Source:It's set where traffic source is and what percentage of direct visit.Pls read help of Traffic Source Control for more details.
  • Import Setting:It's imported site setting to realize copy of information and share experience for users.
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Interface Introduction Available Visit Time Add Site Source Management Subpage Visit Traffic Platform
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